Keeping in Touch via Newsletters

From the CEO's Desk

Keeping in Touch via Newsletters

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Periodic Communications with Customers is Vital

In addition to all the social media and digital sites available to maintain continuous contact with your customer, the newsletter remains as the workhorse of communications. It can be in a hard copy format or sent digitally via e-mail.

We have produced many different types of newsletters. Some profiled a major client on a single page. Other companies produced two newsletters- one featuring their normal news, the other focusing on a new Quality Program.

The acquisition of new equipment, new personnel, new processes, new business, upcoming trade show participation, product and corporate awards, are also of interest.  Actual first-person user interviews about your products and your company are of special interest and help build credibility. Other suggested subjects that draw great interest are about quality, new programs, and new, skilled personnel and executives who bring new experiences.

The Case for Print and Digital E-Newsletters

The E-Mail version of the newsletter can be posted to your website, sent to customers and prospect’s e-mails, and distributed to select social media sites, business media sites, and industry websites.

The print version can be distributed at trade shows, and by sales persons visiting clients or new prospects. Both versions keeps your name in front of clients and prospects on a regular basis.

Let’s Start Communicating

First, develop an action plan. It should include:

  • a list of subjects you want to include
  • a list of people or companies you need to contact
  • key personnel in your company who can provide the current state of business
  • learning about new capabilities and new markets your company is targeting
  • soliciting peers and customers for topic ideas

The Process

Whether interviewing a customer or in-house personnel, draft the article, show it to the person involved, and if they approve, have them physically sign-off on it. This prevents any future misunderstandings. Make sure all of the departments in your company have a chance to proof it before printing. If you are not familiar with various layouts, seek outsourcing help from a local graphic design company. The end result should be a very professional-looking newsletter.

Franklin Cooper  © 2019