One Goal

From the CEO's Desk

One Goal

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one business goal

To be successful in business, you must

focus on one element that is to be the ultimate accomplishment.

It is your…

One Goal*.

Business Success Starts with One Goal™

* Your One Goal could be: Increasing Brand Awareness, Greater Market Penetration,

Getting to Market Faster, or an impending IPO.


The dictionary describes a goal as “a measurable and actionable path toward a focused end”.  We believe that a goal also serves to help identify the one most important element that you want to focus on to achieve an effective result.

Determining if a strategic fit exists between an organization’s core competencies and their customer’s needs and values, could provide direction toward identifying the goal.  Today’s rapid pace of business is forcing many organizations to re-examine their direction, their identity, and the impact of change.

Example A

A company is planning to issue an IPO within the next 24 months. 

That is their One Goal.

The Challenge:  To integrate newly acquired companies under one umbrella, i.e., culture, name, logo, color, tag line, etc.

Proposed Action Plan: 

  • Interview employees of each company to obtain their views of the current culture of their company
  • Based on the findings, develop a new culture that can be used across all the new acquisitions
  • Prepare an Employee Handbook so that everyone is aware of company policies and philosophies
  • Develop a new name, logo, color scheme and tag line that can serve as an “umbrella” for all the disparate companies
  • Prepare a public relations program to disseminate news of the new company;

in addition to traditional media outlets send information to social media outlets Twitter and Linked In

  • Complete an analysis of competitive companies to learn of their market share, sales strategies, new products, and other useful information
  • Build in measurable characteristics so that progress in each area can be charted
  • Keep the marketing plan fluid so that it can be modified based on current information
  • After the Plan has been implemented, use focus groups to ascertain the effectiveness of the new program

A word about focusing. It can be applied to almost any profession or job. It shows a deep understanding of the subject matter and builds credibility for your position. Focusing does not mean that you zero in on one area to the exclusion of all others, rather that you offer numerous choices but focus on the one that you have chosen to feature. Focusing is not easy. Not all potential customers will want what you are highlighting.  Through word of mouth, advertising and publicity, your product will gain favorable acceptance. It takes more than a bit of courage to commit to focusing but it will pay off handsomely.   

Franklin Cooper © 2018